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Dual Disc Mirror

The definitive end of data-loss

Until recently, adequate data-protection was complex, time-consuming and expensive. The Dual Disc Mirrors of Twincom change that.
They rule out data loss, while the system continues to operate.

Revolutionary operations

Every write command to the external disk memory is simultaneously written to the second of a pair of disks (DUAL WRITE).

If one disk becomes inoperative due to a head-crash or a breakdown, the other disk of the pair automatically takes over operations without any production loss (HOT STANDBY).

The Dual Disc Mirror (DDM) program has been developed as an extension of the UNIX operating system. The DDM programs are fully transparent for the application systems (FULL TRANSPARENCY).

Obvious advantages

The idea behind the Dual Disc Mirror: maximum safety through the use of two identical disks in a pair and an uninterruptable power supply (UPS).

The Dual Disc Mirror operates independently of the application software. In the event of a head-crash on one of the disks of a pair, the other disk takes over operations.

The defective disk itself can be replaced without loss of production. With minimal loss of production time during:

  • maintenance work on the one disk (the other disk keeps working);
  • replacement of the one disk (the other disk continues to function and takes over the operations).

Remarkable options

After the "Mirror" is activated, the second disk is automatically synchronized. There is no need to make a time-consuming copy (ON-LINE SYNCHRONIZATION).

The user is continuously informed about the status of the mirrored disk pairs. The status can be printed, displayed and/or reported via datacom (MIRROR STATUS REPORTS).

Problem-free installation

Dual Disc Mirrors (DDM) of Twincom can run on many systems that work with UNIX.

Requirements: the DDM software, pair(s) of hard disks, UPS (optional), a back-up device (optional), and the Twincom installation support-manual.

Impressions of users

Federal Express, Germany

Online network of 15 minicomputers, supporting a country-wide distribution system for frozen food. "They simply never failed!"

Union Bank of Switzerland, Zurich

Three data centers perform a part of the data-processing of one of the two largest banks in Switzerland. "The performance and the ease of use are spectacular!"

Motorola Communications, USA

A computergrid of 1200 microcomputers over the USA, with central co-ordination via satellite-links, performs the tasks of communication and co-ordination of trucking systems in the USA. "Our Twincom solution has a stunning economy!"

PharmaPartners, The Netherlands

Online medication surveillance and prescription processing system "Pharmacom" for more than 4 million Dutch citizens. "The UNIX Disc Mirror offers extreme uptimes and guarantees optimal file integrity!

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